Date: Saturday, May 4, 2024
Time: 8:00AM – 12:00PM
Columbia County Fire Training Center
Columbia County Commerce Park
50 Grandinetti Drive, Ghent, NY
Entrance at Rt. 66 (Bender Blvd.)
What may I bring?
From the Workbench:
Latex Paint, Oil Based Paint – Please do not bring empty cans or with hardened paint
Stains & Varnishes
Wood Preservatives
Solvents, Adhesives
Lighter Fluid
From the Garage:
Fuels, Gasoline, Kerosene
Engine Degreasers
Brake Fluid
Carburetor Cleaner
Car Wax, Polish
Roofing Tar
Driveway Sealer
Swimming Pool Chemicals
From the Yard:
Poisons, Insecticides, Fungicides
Chemical Fertilizers
Weed Killers
Moth Balls
Flea Control Products, Pest Strips
Aerosol Cans – Not empty
From the House:
Rubber Cement
Fiberglass Resins
Photo Chemicals
Chemistry Sets
Furniture Polish
Floor & Metal Polish
Oven Cleaner
Drain & Toilet Cleaner
Rug & Upholstery Cleaner
Hobby & Art Supplies
Spot Remover
What not to bring:
Empty containers
Empty paint cans
Empty aerosol cans
Radioactive Waste
Commercial/Industrial Waste
Agriculture Waste
Fire Extinguishers
Infectious & Biological Waste
Prescription Medicines, Syringes
Ammunition, Explosives, Fireworks
Non-contaminated motor oil, Antifreeze
No 55 gallon drums
Residents with large quantities must contact the Administrative Office at 518-828-2737 prior to participating. No charge for County residents. Proof of residency will be required.
Thank you for your participation!