Universal Worship Service Sunday, October 20, 10am

Altar for Universal Worship

The Canaan Congregational Church and the Abode of the Message Join Together to Host a Universal Worship Service

Sunday, October 20, 10:00am
1670 County Route 5, Canaan

The Canaan Congregational Church and the Abode of the Message cordially invite neighbors and friends to attend a Universal Worship Service, offered by ordained ministers in the Inayatiyya Sufi tradition.

Created by a Sufi mystic of the 20th century, it honors major religions and spiritual paths through readings from each tradition that demonstrate a chosen common theme. Sometimes music or practices from those traditions are included.

The Sufi tradition believes that religions and spiritual traditions have the potential at their core to lead to realizations that foster increased tolerance, compassion and gratitude. This inclusive service recognizes our uniqueness, diversity and spiritual liberty; while it simultaneously reminds us of our unity in the one divine boundless Being, by whatever name that may be called.

Following the service will be a question-and-answer exchange. Light refreshments will be served. Please join us for this uplifting event!

What is most necessary today is the awakening of the heart. It does not matter what religion people profess if they know the depth of religion which is love. All the different forms of religious service, and the forms of prayer, behind them what secret purpose is there? It is to prepare the heart for that bliss which only love can give…. For the religion of love is the religion of tolerance, the religion of love is the religion of forgiveness.
– Hazrat Inayat Khan