Community read program of Atul Gawande’s book “Being Mortal”
Canaan Congregational Church, UCC 1670 County Route 5, Canaan, NY, United StatesGroup to discuss Chapter 3: Dependence
Community read program of Atul Gawande’s book “Being Mortal”
Canaan Congregational Church, UCC 1670 County Route 5, Canaan, NY, United StatesGroup to discuss: Chapter 4: Assistance Chapter 5: A Better Life
Community read program of Atul Gawande’s book “Being Mortal”
Canaan Congregational Church, UCC 1670 County Route 5, Canaan, NY, United StatesGroup to discuss Chapter 6: Letting Go
Canaan Community Day
Stoddard Park 1844 Country Route 5, Canaan, NY, United StatesThe second annual Canaan Community Day will be held on Saturday, June 15 from 3:00-6:00pm. Rain date: Sunday, June 16. Food, fun, music, vendors, games. Interested in being a vendor? Email
Canaan UCC Returns to Community Day at Stoddard Park on June 15 from 3 to 6 PM
Stoddard Park 1844 Country Route 5, Canaan, NY, United StatesStop by our table and say hello, sign up for our Enewsletter, learn about new programming at the Church, and take home a memento with our regards. Enjoy the tasty food offered by The Notorious Bite from their celebrated truck, unparalleled fun, fellowship, exhibits and more.
Reverend Quentin Chin
Canaan Congregational Church, UCC 1670 County Route 5, Canaan, NY, United StatesCanaan UCC Ambassadors Support “Trail Magic” with other Congregations
Greeting hikers who have been enduring the mosquito infested swamps preceding Sheffield as they head north on the Appalachian Trail. We'll be extending hospitality and kindness.
Community read program of Atul Gawande’s book “Being Mortal”
Canaan Congregational Church, UCC 1670 County Route 5, Canaan, NY, United StatesGroup to discuss: Chapter 7: Hard Conversations Caption 8: Courage
Declaration Celebration
Canaan Historical Society 13 Warners Crossing Road, Canaan, NY, United StatesCelebrate and join a fun day of music, food, and family fun to commemorate an early declaration of independence Hosted by the Canaan Historical Society, 13 Warners Crossing Rd, Canaan, NY on Saturday, June 22 from 12 till 4:30 PM. Did you know that the King's District, comprising what's now New Lebanon, Canaan, New Concord, ... Read more
Anna Duhon and Colleagues Discuss Their New Field Guide on the Habitats of Columbia County
New Lebanon Library 550 State Route 20, Columbia Pike, New Lebanon, NY, United StatesJoin Duhon and her collaborators for an engaging introduction to their new book, From the Hudson to the Taconics: An Ecological and Cultural Field Guide to the Habitats of Columbia County, New York. Featuring 36 discreet natural habitats in the Hudson Valley’s Columbia County, and beautifully illustrated with over 750 full-color photographs, maps, graphs, tables, ... Read more
Resource Roundtable Series
Canaan Congregational Church, UCC 1670 County Route 5, Canaan, NY, United StatesCanaan UCC Partners with NY Connects - Columbia County and The Healthcare Consortium to Offer the Community a “Resource Roundtable Series” Beginning June 28 at 10:30 AM This free event is Located at 1670 County Route 5. Columbia County residents are cordially invited to attend the first installment of Canaan UCC’s “Resource Roundtable Series,” a ... Read more